Jun 19, 2020
The Law Offices of Robert Wayne Pearce, P.A. is currently investigating and representing investors against UBS Financial Services, Inc. and other FINRA-registered brokerage firms and financial advisors who offered and sold UBS ETRAC Exchange Traded Notes (ETNs). If you were unaware of the risks of these investments when you bought them, you certainly know now, unfortunately, because you have probably lost most if not all of the money you invested. The fact is your stockbroker or financial advisor had a duty to explain the nature, mechanics, and all of the risks associated with UBS ETRAC Exchange Traded Notes before you were sold the investment. Further, your stockbroker had a duty to make sure the investments were suitable before they were recommended in light of your risk tolerance, financial objectives, and financial condition. Unfortunately, many stockbrokers and financial advisors who didn’t understand the nature or risks involved sold these investments to investors with conservative and moderate risk tolerance who were simply seeking to enhance their income for retirement. These ETNs were unsuitable investments for investors with that kind of profile. The UBS ETRAC Exchange Traded Notes, particularly the ETNs with a 2X in the name were leveraged 2:1, were very high-risk, speculative investments.
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